Apollo Aviation Group and Goldman Sachs were determined to simplify the complex asset backed securitisation (ABS) structure to attract more investors.

Apollo Aviation has contracted to purchase 27 aircraft, comprised of 21 narrowbody and six widebody from the Airbus A319, A320, A321 and A330, and the Boeing 737-800 and B737-900ER families. The vast majority of aircraft (96%) are in-production.

Aircraft finance specialist Apollo Aviation will release $640 million from the securitisation of 35 aircraft leased to carriers such as American Airlines, Virgin and Viva Aerobus.

Apollo Aviation Group priced its third aircraft securitization on Friday, October 28, 2016. Proceeds from the $640 million deal, dubbed Apollo Aviation Securitization Equity Trust 2016-2, will be used to acquire a fleet of 35 aircraft.